A Treatise on algebra, in practice and theory, with notes and illustrations; containing a variety of particulars relating to the discoveries and improvements that have been made in this branch of analysis. By John Bonnycastle. IL PRIMO VOLUME DI DUE Secon
Treatise on algebra, in practice and theory, with notes and illustrations; containing a variety of particulars relating to the discoveries and improvements that have been made in this branch of analysis. By John Bonnycastle. IL PRIMO VOLUME DI DUE Second edition, revised and greatly improved
Bonnycastle John
printed for J. Nunn; Longman and Co.; Cadell and Davies (etc)
Anno di edizione
in 8°, 24 cm, rilegatura coeva in cartone ricoperto, dorso recente con titolo in oro su tassello; p. XXXVI, 411, (1)